|||||||||Un Oscuro Rincon en donde apreciar la poesia / Letras de canciones / Videos ||||||||| Todos los aportes que quieran hacer seran mas que bienvenidos !!
- Solo necesito un momento Mi rincón en el cual descansar En el cual no de la luz Donde la acustica no exista Para olvidar quien soy Donde estoy Por que estoy así Y que deberé volver a todo eso
Es una línea delgada quizás Donde un pensamiento puede fortalecerme o destruirme Pero aun así lo quiero, lo necesito Es algo que me define _
- El Caos en mi mente solo se compara con el del universo Algo tan sencillo como una chispa Crea reacciones tan grandes como el Big Bang
Sin temer a las reacciones en cadena Solo liberando mi ser Creando una serie de eventos que son solo limitadas por el infinito
Quisiera ser libre cono un estrella Pero me las rebuscaría para colisionar con algún planeta Somos seres puramente libres . . . . y nos automutilamos cortándonos las alas
En un universo tan basto . . . . y confinados a nuestro ser _
- Las velas que cortan la oscura noche que nos inundala brisa que recorre nuestros cuerpos provocando sensaciones ya olvidadasel sonido del silencio que nos llena de pensamientos . . . . . Dudas . . . . .así como tantas otras inquietudes que se encargaran de recordarnoslo pequeño que somos ante un mundo que nos agobia y aíslapor no seguir sus reglas costumbres, vicios . . . . .por no ser parte de la masa amorfa e inerte . . . . . .simplemente condenados por ser uno . . . . _
_ On candystripe legs the spiderman comes Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Looking for the victim shivering in bed Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and Suddenly! A movement in the corner of the room! And there is nothing I can do When I realise with fright That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!
Quietly he laughs and shaking his head Creeps closer now Closer to the foot of the bed And softer than shadow and quicker than flies His arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyes "Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy Don't struggle like that or I will only love you more For it's much too late to get away or turn on the light The spiderman is having you for dinner tonight"
And I feel like I'm being eaten By a thousand million shivering furry holes And I know that in the morning I will wake up In the shivering cold
All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, Worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, Going nowhere Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, No expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrows No tomorrow, No tomorrow
[ Chorus ]
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad These dreams in which i'm dying, Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take When people run in circles its a very very Mad World, Mad World
Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday And they feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, Sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, No one knew me Hello teacher tell me whats my lesson Look right through me, Look right through me
[ Chorus ]
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad The dreams in which i'm dying, Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take When people run in circles it's a very very Mad World, Mad World
- Chorus - Shout Shout Let it aloud These are the things I can do without Come on I’m talking to you Come on ( repeat )
In violent times You shouldn’t have to sell your soul In black and white They really really ought to know Those one track minds That took you for a working boy Kiss them goodbye You shouldn’t have to jump for joy You shouldn’t have to jump for joy
- Chorus -
They gave you life And in return you gave them hell As cold as ice I hope we live to tell the tale I hope we live to tell the tale
- Chorus (x2) -
And when you’ve taken down your guard If I could change your mind I’d really love to break your heart I’d really love to break your heart
In a empty night, The Stars Had gone your mind starts to crumble trying to hide in the dark knowing that it won’t work It never does
Cold memories fills you All the Healed scars open back Taste your sorrows Till lights goes off
Searching For a place in this world Where it dosen't hurt so much
Trying to forget something you can't Knowing isn’t your fault been born in this world But it dosn't matters, not at all When you can’t change the past So accept what you have been put trough
Cold memories fills you All the Healed scars opens back Taste your sorrows Till lights goes off
I would tell you about the things They put me through The pain I've been subjected to But the Lord himself would blush The countless feasts laid at my feet Forbidden fruits for me to eat But I think your pulse would start to rush
Now I'm not looking for absolution Forgiveness for the things I do But before you come to any conclusions Try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps Keep the same appointments I kept If you try walking in my shoes If you try walking in my shoes
Morality would frown upon Decency look down upon The scapegoat fate's made of me But I promise you, my judge and jurors My intentions couldn't have been purer My case is easy to see
I'm not looking for a clearer conscience Peace of mind after what I've been through And before we talk of repentance Try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps Keep the same appointments I kept If you try walking in my shoes If you try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes
Now I'm not looking for absolution Forgiveness for the things I do But before you come to any conclusions Try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps Keep the same appointments I kept If you try walking in my shoes
You'll stumble in my footsteps Keep the same appointments I kept If you try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes If you try walking in my shoes Try walking in my shoes
Esteeeeeeeeeeeeee, todo lo que pueda llegar a escribir es muy subjetivo, saquen sus propias conclusiones, lo que si soy de mente muy abierta ( solo de mente mal pensados del orto ) y liberal, y un poquitiiiiiiin jeropa (pero no mucho)